21.10.2024 - 31.10.2024
13.01.2025 - 23.01.2025
20.04.2025 - 30.04.2025


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10.00 – 12.00 Lecture
12.00 – 14.30 Lecture
14.30 – 15.30 Lunch
15.30 – 17.30 Lecture
Koolituse tunnide maht
Total — 96 h.
Theoretical — 40 h.
Practical — 56 h.
All theoretical and practical materials are included in the price.
The price doesn't include the permanent makeup device.
NB! Price is without VAT (20%)
Not interested in full training?
If you do not want to complete the entire course, but only want to improve your knowledge in a specific area, then we have prepared a shorter program for you!
Days in total
Days of theory
Practise on latex
Number of models
NB! Price is without VAT (20%)
Write [email protected] or call +372 5347 0714 us to get more info.

Tehnika kvalifikatsiooni tõstmise  programm
„Karvad hüperrealismi tehnikas” (4 päeva)

Koolituse tunnide maht
Üldine — 32 h
Teooria — 6 h
Praktika — 26 h
Iseseisev töö
Õpilasele võimaldatakse enne kursuse algust juurdepääs iseseisva õppe veebiplatvormile.
Ettevalmistus sisaldab – tehnikatega tutvumist, käe eelhäälestamist ja tehnikanäiteid.
Õpilane peab sooritama harjutused enne kursuse algust.

Online training!

Get a profession or learn new techniques with online courses created by our top trainers! Take an internship in our studio and get a certificate of training! (optional).
Distance learning has its advantages:
Adjust your plan by yourself
All study materials are available for one and a half years
You can always go back and re-examine any topic
The trainer is always in touch with you
Oportunity to choose a practise time when it suits you
List of online courses

Why us

10-year experience working with students from different countries
Unique author's teaching methods and individual approach
Perfectly equipped separate classes for theory and practice
Small groups of 2-3 people
Continuous support of the graduates
Help in organizing accommodation for foreign students
We train on the German high-precision Amiea brand equipment
International Certificate

Our professional team

Our certified teachers will teach you how to make the perfect permanent make-up in the most modern techniques.
Olga Kravchenko
Founder of Amiea International Permanent Makeup Academy in the Baltics since 2013.
Read more
Jekaterina Leonova
In January 2014, I was trained as a permanent makeup master at Olga Kravchenko’s studio.
Read more
Anita Umbleja
After training, I practiced for a long time, constantly going through all sorts of master classes and participating in congresses.
Read more

Register for training

Fill out the form below to register. We will contact you as soon as possible!
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+372 5347 0714
[email protected]
Pirita tee 26c-27, 10127 Tallinn, Eesti
Check on a mapHow to get here
Olga Kravchenko
Founder of Amiea International Permanent Makeup Academy in the Baltics since 2013. The owner and trainer of the permanent makeup school in Tallinn (Estonia) for over 9 years. Developed her own methods of teaching PM, which are successfully taught as a basic course and advanced training.

Author of articles and Master classes in professional magazines of permanent makeup.

Speaker of international congresses in the Baltics, Russia, Uruguay, Greece, Iran, Holland, Brazil, France, etc.

Judge of international micro-pigmentation and microblading competitions.

My students have been at the top of international competitions for the last few years.
Jekaterina Leonova
In January 2014, I was trained as a permanent makeup master at Olga Kravchenko’s studio. I still work in the studio and I am a master-trainer there.

After the training, having received a high level of knowledge, my career developed very rapidly and school support always helped to move forward. Today I am a multiple prize-winner of various championships and a participant in international congresses.

Having many teachers in the family, genes played a role. I really like to explain, try to decompose and bring information to the student. At some point, even a certain excitement comes about explaining complex things in plain language.

In teaching, I put an individual approach to students at first, as well as patience and the ability to convey the necessary information. In people I value the desire to learn and develop.

My motto is never to give up!
Anita Umbleja
OK PMU Centeri 8-aastase kogemusega rahvusvaheline püsimeigi meister-koolitaja.

Mul on kunstiharidus ja stiilitunnetus teie imago loomiseks.

Meistrivõistluste pronks.

Tõstan oma kvalifiklatsiooni iga poole aasta tagant, et pakkuda Teile uusimaid eksklusiivseid uuendusi: realistlikus karvatehnikas kulmud, kulmude õrn puuder-efekt, huulte akvarell (loomulik) varjutus või mahlane huulepulgatehnika kõige säravamatele daamidele!

Silmadele annab ilmekuse õrn ripsmetevaheline joon või sametiselt õrn hajutus!

Teame, kuidas teie isikupära rõhutada!